Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Baby signing

Years before I become a parent, I have seen a good friend of mine teaching her daughter doing sign. I was so impressed that the little one year old was able to "communicate" with her little hands.

So when I finally have my own children, I know that I want to teach them baby sign language. I started teaching both of my kids to sign when they are around 4 months old. I will show them the "milking" sign every time I begin to breast feed them. At around 6 months, they will get excited and smiling every time I do the "milking" sign. Even though it took them a few more months before doing the "milk" sign, the joy and satisfaction are well worth it !

Most babies will start speaking their mind with words around 18-24 months old. Before they get there, the ability to sign will greatly reduce the frustration for the child and the parents. We find signing was especially useful with my son, he wasn't able to say as many words as our daughter when they are the same age. However, by 12 months, he can show us "milk", "more", "all done", "eat". The common needs for a 1 year old.

Don't worry if your baby doesn't get it straight away, consistency and repetition is the key. Be sure to talk and sign at the same time. Find a few common word that the family use daily. Try it and have fun with it.

Happy signing !