Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pink eye cocktail

When my first child started day care/preschool, he also started to get sick more often. The run down lists include: multiple URI (upper respiratory tract infection), otitis Media (middle ear infection), Reactive airway disease (wheezing), pneumonia (lung infection), roseola and acute conjunctivitis (pink eye).

The one that I dreaded most was pink eye. You see, he loves taking oral medicine, so there is no usual fighting (which I have had a lot of parents complain to me about their kids!) to take his antibiotics or fever reducer. I think he doesn't mind the bitter aftertaste. He probably acquired that taste when I continue taking my daily dose of cuppa while breast feeding !

Having to give him eye drops is a whole other scene. He will kick and scream as if we were butchering a pig. We (well, my non-doctor husband came up with this one !) finally came up with the best way. It nevertheless required some team effort, we will place him lying on the changing table, daddy will hold up his iPhone playing sesame street video; while he is focusing on Elmo; mommy will sneak in the eye drop from the other side, starting from his blind spot, slowly move inward and drop in the healing drops. Voila ! For us, that works every single time.

With little baby, you can distract them with a shaking rattle. Remember also to wipe away the crusted eyes with warm clothes, avoid sharing of towel among the family members.

Pink eye (conjunctivitis) is the inflammation of the mucus membrane of the inner side of the eyelids. The hallmark symptoms include pink/red eye with green-yellowish pus discharge, eye irritation and photosensitivity. Bacterial and Viruses commonly cause acute conjunctivitis in children. Topical eye drops or ointments are usually prescribed to eradicate the pathogen and shorten the duration of symptoms. This will allow the children to be back in school and parents back to work sooner. It also reduce the transmission of illness. Kid can usually go back to school 24 hour after antibiotics eye drops.

Hand washing is the single most important step to prevent acute conjunctivitis. Teach your kids to wash their hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds, thats how long singing the ABC song takes!

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